The Complex Worlds of Human Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence

The human brain is made up of a never-ending circuit so to speak of neurons that transmit information through synaptic impulses. A synapse is a small gap at the end of a neuron which allows for the transfer of signals from one to the other. This is not very different from how the voltage, current, or electrical frequency is used to transfer information using electricity.

Photo by Bhautik Patel on Unsplash

So intelligence, although associated with the brain, need not only mean the human brain. And yet, it is something that has a different meaning for everyone.

To me, an intelligent person is one who can understand things that are complex, simplify them, and explain them to others. They should be able to think for themselves and make decisions without external influence. Moreover, one who can learn from their past mistakes and keep up with the changing times.

Does it mean that a person is intelligent only if they have a solid education and shiny degree? Absolutely not! It’s well established with all the success stories of big unicorns out there that anybody can make money if they are SMART! This most certainly means that an intelligent person need not have a high IQ (Intelligence Quotient). I can almost place a bet that if the same questions on an aptitude test were asked to a poor but street smart kid in India, that kid would come out with more ‘intellectual’ answers, and a lot more quickly, than any privileged kid of the same age who has had schooling.

I would probably also attribute this to the desire to learn. Privileged people take what is given to them for granted. It is the poor people who have seen struggles and so they are yearning for an opportunity. As a result they have no option but to think quick.

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